Ask the Shrink

Should Psychologists Use Sliding Fee Scales?

Q: Hi Shawn. As a psychologist myself, I’m wrestling with whether to work with an increasing number of patients asking me to accept reduced fees. With the bad economy, more people want sliding-scale services. The problem is that the more sliding-scale work I do, the more hours I have to put in to pay the bills. It’s tiring. Just wondering how you approach the problem. – Michelle

Why Am I So Irritable In The Winter?

Q: Is there anything that can be done for seasonal depression? The long months of overcast skies and reduced sunlight never had any noticeable effect on me in my youth, but as I approach middle age, I find I’m irritable, fractious, melancholy and generally about as pleasant as a plowed-up snake from about mid November until at least mid May. Last year was the worst ever. Since I plan to live through at least another 45 winters or so, it would sure be nice to know if there’s anything I can do about this. – Sean

More Reasons to Think Twice About Antidepressants

prozacSometimes antidepressants make me sad. 🙁

Before we get to the links, here’s my usual disclaimer: I am not flatly opposed to antidepressant medication. Sometimes it is useful, yadda, yadda, yadda. It is also grossly overprescribed and misused. Here are a couple new and compelling reasons to explore non-pharmaceutical treatment for depression. …

Random Links: Narcissism, Erring, and Exercising

picnic_area_signHere’s a question I’ve long pondered: do narcissists understand how others view them? According to the authors of an interesting new study, narcissists have insight into the facts that 1) others aren’t as enamored with them as they are with themselves, 2) others are often impressed with them at first, but that admiration fades, and 3) others view them as arrogant. You Probably Think This Paper’s About You (via MindHacks). …

What Do Believers Think When Their Prophecy Fails To Arrive?

Festinger's experiment became standard fare for any psych 101 class.Did ya’ ever wonder what happens in the mind of someone whose beliefs fail them? I’m not the first to point it out, but that’s what happened to the followers of Harold Camping’s recent doomsday prophecy. Reverend Camping predicted that armageddon would arrive on May 21st, and many of his followers made huge investments of time and money to warn others. …

Link of the Week: ESP, a Really Old Brain, and Concern About the Young ‘uns

Links of the WeekBook update for those who are interested: The User’s Guide to the Human Mind just passed the copyedit phase and is on its way to production. It’s still on track for a December 1st release. Gosh, isn’t that the holiday gift giving season? What a coincidence! Here are a few links to keep you busy for now: …