
Why Am I So Irritable In The Winter?

Q: Is there anything that can be done for seasonal depression? The long months of overcast skies and reduced sunlight never had any noticeable effect on me in my youth, but as I approach middle age, I find I’m irritable, fractious, melancholy and generally about as pleasant as a plowed-up snake from about mid November until at least mid May. Last year was the worst ever. Since I plan to live through at least another 45 winters or so, it would sure be nice to know if there’s anything I can do about this. – Sean

More Reasons to Think Twice About Antidepressants

prozacSometimes antidepressants make me sad. 🙁

Before we get to the links, here’s my usual disclaimer: I am not flatly opposed to antidepressant medication. Sometimes it is useful, yadda, yadda, yadda. It is also grossly overprescribed and misused. Here are a couple new and compelling reasons to explore non-pharmaceutical treatment for depression. …

The Power of Pessimism

optimism versus pessimismThe mind seems to be wired for negative thoughts. Common wisdom says that pessimism is a problem. The anti-pessimists warn us: “don’t think like that or you’ll doom yourself to failure!” But common wisdom can be wrong, and pessimism can be helpful – if it is done correctly. So cinch up your belt and suspenders, and let’s find the positive side of negative thinking! …