Happy New Year! Are you resolving to make changes this year? I have a couple of tips below to help you succeed. But first, the big news: Is He Worth It? releases on January 19. And guess what. You can preorder right now! Beat the Christmas rush! By nearly 12 months! If someone you know is making a fresh start this year, be sure she reads this book.
1. Resolution Tip #1: Track Your Progress
This Norwegian woman took up the violin at age 24 and tracked her progress over two years. Her skills at one year are amazing. The two-year mark might make you misty. Big growth comes in little increments. (Video)
2. Resolution Tip #2: Focus On Your Gains
If your resolution involves sacrifice, don’t let your mind trick you into focusing on the loss. Pay attention to the gains too, like Tobias over at Huffpo. He gave up caffeine and alcohol for 15 months and noticed some pretty spectacular changes.
3. Want to Be More Logical This Year?
In 2016 I shall continue my endless quest to be more logical in my thinking and decision-making. (My hope is to one day wake up as Mr. Spock.) Here’s a fun guide to a few common thinking errors. It begins with a puzzle. Did you solve it correctly? Don’t worry if you didn’t. We’re generally better at solving real-world problems than abstract puzzles. (Video)
4. Why Do People Think Nonsense Is Profound?
Gordon Pennycook, at the University of Waterloo, has been studying the science of “pseudo-profound BS.” You know the stuff… sayings like “wholeness quiets infinite phenomena,” or “nature is a self-regulating ecosystem of awareness.” Why do we tend to find profound sentiment in incoherent phrases? Well, read on… (And if you’re in need of it, here’s a wonderful new-age BS generator.)
5. Why Goliath Never Stood a Chance
The popular interpretation of the David and Goliath story involves the unlikely victory of an underdog. But Malcolm Gladwell explains why Goliath was doomed from the moment he faced David, owing largely to David’s determination and refined skills. (Video)
I hope your persistence, skill, and logic pay huge dividends in 2016! Until next month…