
Why Do I Feel Horny When I Have a Cold?

Don’t laugh, but I get extremely randy whenever I have a cold. Am I the only one? Why does this happen? – Mike

Dear Mike,

It seems counter-intuitive to be lookin’ for love when your body is under attack, but you are not alone. When I searched Google for phrases such as “sick and horny” I found plenty of men and women wondering why they feel frisky when they’re fighting infection.

How to Get Your Husband to Help More

how to have a helpful husband(Author’s note: I realized after writing this piece that it needs a bit of context and preamble. In this essay, I offer some pointed thoughts about female tendencies in relationships. I mistakenly assumed that this needn’t be said: some men are lazy and inconsiderate, and no amount of effort from their partners will fix that. I don’t discuss male problems in this essay, but I fully realize that they exist. Also, this essay critically examines the actions of one woman who made her relationship behavior very public. Her story is a useful example of a common pattern. I do not think she is a bad person, nor do I believe her behavior is representative of all women.)

Five Things My Daughter Has Taught Me About Fatherhood

Hide and seekOur little girl is about to turn five years old. It is true, what they say about the brevity of childhood. I think that children bring an acute awareness of life’s transience.

Before our energetic and precocious daughter came into our lives, each day was very much like the next. There were few extraordinary events to mark the passage of time. …

Should Psychologists Use Sliding Fee Scales?

Q: Hi Shawn. As a psychologist myself, I’m wrestling with whether to work with an increasing number of patients asking me to accept reduced fees. With the bad economy, more people want sliding-scale services. The problem is that the more sliding-scale work I do, the more hours I have to put in to pay the bills. It’s tiring. Just wondering how you approach the problem. – Michelle

I Heart Colfax Avenue

colfax colfax signIf I’ve done one thing right in my life, it was being born in Denver. Having lived here ever since, Colfax Avenue has been a fixture in my life. In grade school we learned about the ladies of the night who supposedly posted their wares on every corner of this street. In high school we discovered hole-in-the-wall diners with large portions and small prices. In college I coaxed my pitiful 1979 Dodge Omni across the avenue countless times en route to work or class. And for most of my adult life I lived within a few blocks of Colfax. …

Why Am I So Irritable In The Winter?

Q: Is there anything that can be done for seasonal depression? The long months of overcast skies and reduced sunlight never had any noticeable effect on me in my youth, but as I approach middle age, I find I’m irritable, fractious, melancholy and generally about as pleasant as a plowed-up snake from about mid November until at least mid May. Last year was the worst ever. Since I plan to live through at least another 45 winters or so, it would sure be nice to know if there’s anything I can do about this. – Sean