
Are Liberals More Intelligent than Conservatives? Another Broken Study Says It Is So

anti-conservative-researchIt happens like clockwork. Every few years, researchers contrive yet another study to prove that conservatives are mentally deficient. This time, the attack comes from evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa in his current paper, Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent. To be fair, gunning for conservatives does not appear to be his primary motive. Instead, he seems to have tied himself in knots trying to affirm a pet theory. Either way, he has recklessly disparaged millions. The methodology is atrocious. …

The Power of Pessimism

optimism versus pessimismThe mind seems to be wired for negative thoughts. Common wisdom says that pessimism is a problem. The anti-pessimists warn us: “don’t think like that or you’ll doom yourself to failure!” But common wisdom can be wrong, and pessimism can be helpful – if it is done correctly. So cinch up your belt and suspenders, and let’s find the positive side of negative thinking! …

What Is The Mind? Part 2: Secret Messages

how the mind speaksIn the first of this series I suggested that the mind’s first job is so important that it overrides even our own happiness. As someone who spends his days (and sometimes the wee hours of the night) dealing with minds that are beating up on their owners, I have come to view minds as learning, worrying machines designed to keep us alive and well. It does plenty of other impressive things too, but it accomplishes nothing if it cannot first keep us safe. …