April PsychNotes • Strange Perceptions

psychedelicHere’s something to ponder. None of us know what’s happening right now because everything we see and hear has already occurred. It takes time for light and sound to reach us, plus more time to process information once it arrives. By the time we’re aware of what’s happening, it’s already history. Perception is tricky business. Here’s more trickiness… …

Stop Saying There Are No Good Men if You Want a Good Man

Where are all the good men?Right now, as I very slowly type, I know several men who are looking for the women of their dreams. These are smart men. Men of kindness and character. Men who frequently leave me envious of their checking accounts, their intellect, their ability to dress well.

Maybe it’s because I’m a shrink, but I almost always know several great guys who are looking for great women. …

Surviving Highly Offended People

highly-offended-person-previewThe great majority of us are on the wrong end of an abusive relationship. There is a hypersensitivity problem in our society, and it’s costing us time, money, and freedom. This problem deserves a name, so I’ll take the liberty of coining a new psychiatric term: Highly Offended Person (HOP). …

February PsychNotes

February PsychNotesAs we wrap up the 2015 wrap-ups, here is the New Yorker’s list of the year’s most interesting psychology papers.

In other news, Valentine’s day approaches. Some people appreciate the holiday less than others (we call those people “men”), but I think it’s a great opportunity to think about our connections to others even in platonic or professional contexts. No matter how charismatic or empathetic we are, there’s always room to improve our connection to others. …